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The 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job is not running


You notice that the MUU_Ready_File_Check job never kicked off the MUU_Insert_Exception job, despite the MUU_File_Check job having run successfully and that the BANK files and 'ready.txt' file are present in the production server \MUU\DataFiles folder. 



The 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job is the central processing SQL job that runs daily to import the Core extracts and process them into the Bank and Exceptions (Matching) databases. 

If the ready.txt file is not detected during the 'MUU_Ready_File_Check' job (because the file was created after the job initially ran), this will trigger this behavior as the 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job will only run if this file is detected.



This can be confirmed by reviewing the logs of the 'MUU_Ready_File_Check' job, which shows that the 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job was not triggered:

  • 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job failed trigger:
02/23/2021 21:30:00,MUU_Ready_File_Check,Success,2,P1PROD,MUU_Ready_File_Check,Check_For_Ready_File,,Executed as user: PEOPLES\<user>. no [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0). The step succeeded.,00:00:00,0,0,,,,0​
  • As opposed to a successful trigger of the 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job:
02/24/2021 21:30:00,MUU_Ready_File_Check,Success,2,P1PROD,MUU_Ready_File_Check,Check_For_Ready_File,,Executed as user: PEOPLES\<user>. Job 'MUU_Insert_Exception' started successfully. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 14243).  The step succeeded.,00:00:01,0,14243,,,,0


The ready.txt file will be provided by the customer. Once you have confirmed that the ready.txt file is already in the data files folder, the 'MUU_Insert_Exception' job should be executed normally in the next scheduled instance.

More information about common issues related to the Daily Import Process can be found in the Daily Import Process & Common Issues KB Article.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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