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Basic Troubleshooting Steps before contacting Support


This article details the troubleshooting to be undertaken before contacting support for issues related to the Import (or Export) process in CoreTrac.



For issues related to the Import process, the main troubleshooting to take before contacting support is:


Check the DataFiles Folder

The first link in the chain of troubleshooting is checking the DataFiles folder (<CoreTrac Installation Folder>\MUU\DataFiles folder) to see if we have the CSV files needed to run the import process.


Check the Processed Folder

The processed files are moved to the <CoreTrac Installation Folder>\MUU\Processed folder in the SQL server. Check this folder to confirm if the files were created properly there, as an outcome of the importing process.


If you find out that there are missing files on any of these 2 folders, you have to check the Export and Import processes.


Check the Export process

The export process runs on a daily basis on the Core system, and it is triggered to generate CSV files containing the activities of the bank accounts. This is a process that belongs to the Core system and it is external to CoreTrac, so it must be supervised by the IT team.


Check the Import process

The CSV files are handled by an import process (The MUU_Insert_Exception job) stored in the SQL Server instance that imports the data from the CSV files into tables of the ResourceOne database. You can check the status of this process by checking the Job History of this specific Job. This process' outcome is stored in the Processed folder.

As these are basic troubleshooting steps, you can find the full troubleshooting guide related to  Import/Export Process Issues in the Troubleshooting Article - Import/Export Process Issues KB Article.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
